Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Dangers and Necessities of Industrial Agriculture Research Paper

The Dangers and Necessities of Industrial Agriculture - Research Paper Example Agriculture had, for thousands of years, been only a subsistence affair: people were only able to produce enough food to feed their own family or clan, with possibly a little extra for very short distance trade (Brothwell 368). Eventually basic agricultural techniques began to evolve and produce more food, leading to slight surpluses, which eventually grew and grew allowing the first civilizations with specialists such as soldiers, kings and bureaucrats to serve them (Diamond 34). Over time agricultural techniques have slowly advanced, leading to world populations that have, more or less, slowly advanced with them, leading to increasing population densities and further increasing food production (Diamond 97). This process all changed drastically with the most important process in human history, the industrial revolution. The introduction of steam engines, trains that could rapidly transport goods over great distances, and the ability to use powered machinery to plant, gather and process agriculture produce meant an explosion of population unlike what had ever been seen previously (Buckley 17). It took all of human history to the year 1800 for world population to reach one billion. It then trebled to three billion by the year 1950, and had doubled again to six billion by 1999, before adding another billion by 2011 (23). Obviously these population increases, a result of industrial agriculture, would have far-reaching effects on all parts of human society. Most of all, however, food production leading to higher populations leads to more intensive food production, in unsustainable cycle that needs to, somehow, be altered. The Problems There are myriad problems caused by industrial agricultural practices and the high populations it help support. The first series has to do with food security. Food security is essentially how secure one’s food source is – how likely it is to be disrupted and how dangerous any disruption would be. The combination of extremely high world population and industrial agriculture weaken food security in several important ways. The first is simply a lack of food stores. For the vast majority of human history agricultural peoples have built up large food stores, sometimes years worth, in order to be able to deal with any disruption of food security (Brothwell 370). This meant that if there were a massive war in which fields were burnt, or a year or two of drought, flooding or other disruptions of food pro duction, a population would have a store to lean on, minimizing if not completely preventing starvation. In this situation, only extremely prolonged conflicts or inclement weather to substantially shake the ability of a people to feed themselves, meaning that food security was relatively high. Now, however, the world has essentially zero food stores from season to season (Baarchers 188). Everything is eaten or consumed in some other way as soon as possibly can be, and there simply is not enough agricultural production to make a food stores big enough to feed the billions of people in the world for a matter of months, much less years. This means that any disruption, such as the widespread droughts that have been hitting the western end of Africa this past two years, leads to immediate starvation and death rather than giving a grace period of several years based on food stores (Lichtfouse 87). Industrial food production, along with the population explosion it has caused, weaken food s ecurity by nearly completely eliminating substantial food reserves of any kind on a world wide scale. The reduction and elimination of world-wide food stores is not the only way that practices of industrial farming have hampered food security. Another major way is food transportation

Monday, October 28, 2019

Issues Affecting the Aged Essay Example for Free

Issues Affecting the Aged Essay The human being is flesh and blood with built-in sensors and mechanisms, components which enable him to respond to a variety of stimuli that surround him. Being a sensual creature, an individual is confined and dependent to the workings of his body. And because the body ages and deteriorates through time, it is better to know and become aware of the changes that it goes through to be able to help oneself, or a loved one who is already in his/her senior years, when time comes these changes manifest. Because of the fact that the body deteriorates as it ages, this has set limitations to man’s whole physical existence. The world of human anatomy and physiology is such a very interesting subject which every person is at home. All the nooks and crannies in his body speak volumes of significance and relevance to his myriad of experiences that whatever new information is available to be learned on the workings of his physiology, it will be of utmost importance to him. This paper attempts to convey to the reader the most common and prevalent issues which include primarily the changes that are brought upon individuals unique to the stage of human development labeled as the aging years. It therefore seeks to capture the essence of the aging years; their joys and sadness, the struggles and pains, as well as their anticipation of what tomorrow might be with or without a loved one beside them. Discussion Central to understanding the issues pervading the stage of the late adulthood is the fact that many behavioral scientists as well as mainstream science had made significant breakthroughs to enable every person today to have a grasp in understanding what it is like to be an aging person. The following distinctions are made to specifically address many of the issues. A. Biological changes that occur in late childhood and how health and fitness affect the aging process. These physical changes during the so-called sunset years are described and explained in the following important aspects of vision, hearing, and muscles and bones. ~VISION Studies showed that by the age of forty, human eye starts to diminish in its capacity to perceive objects. The reason for this is that at this age (40 years), the pupil of the eye begins to reduce in its size, diminishing its ability to see clearly. In this condition, adults need double or triple amount of illumination to be able to read, distinguish, and even respond to the movements of things around (Smith et al, 1990). This explains why in sports, athletes who are in their late thirties or those who are forty years of age, are considered to be â€Å"old† already, while in other fields, to have reached the fourth decade is to begin life. As is often said, â€Å"life begins at forty† ( Sensory Changes with Aging, http://www. uatpat. org). ~HEARING The prospect of losing one’s hearing is alarming. When still young, people do not entertain such as a possibility. Statistics, however, show that 30% of people over the age of 60 have their hearing ability weakened. As people continue to age to pass more than the age of 70, the problem is getting worse. Thirty three percent of those ages 75 to 84 have hearing impairment, while 50 % of old folks over 85 have lost their hearing altogether. This accounts for the many adjustments a family has to face (Isbell, 2007). Conversations now at this time are difficult. It’s not easy to conduct a conversation with others when there is impairment to one’s hearing. It is embarrassing to the one with the problem, and requires patience and understanding to others (Saxon, 2007). Oftentimes, as a result, older people choose to withdraw themselves from ordinary conversations. At times, old folks avoid giving inappropriate remarks as they were afraid they have misunderstood what was said (Smith, in NIA/NIH, 2007). It usually results in isolation. Solutions to these problems exist and available to help households to cope and thus minimize the potential problems (Saxon, 2007). ~MUSCLES AND BONES Regular exercise does help. Because of the many physical changes that occur in aging, a lot of adjustments as well are in order so that the body is better able to cope with these changes. Two major parts of a person’s physique are affected in the aging process; namely, the muscles and bones. Joints and bones’ structure become rigid with age. This causes a decrease in height, a bent posture, and hence, pronounced limitations in movements. The prospect of these changes, however, need not hinder nor discourage a person to establish or maintain a regular regimen. Though it may now hurt to move and stretch one’s joints, to yield to inactivity will all the more result to deterioration and more agony (Smith, in http://nihseniorhealth. gov/exercise/benefitsofexercise/03. html, 2007). Because the tendency of less and less movement goes with aging, and because calcium (a necessary mineral for the bone) is not absorbed into the bones generously as when younger, the resulting consequence is the brittling of the bones, a common cause of skeletal or bone fracture among the elderly. When ligaments connecting bones lose flexibility, it causes pain and discomfort. Older people as compared to younger ones need more cushioned shoes as the fat between the bones of the foot is becoming thinner (Aging: physical changes). B.Contrast of the overall decline of memory, language processing, and problem solving abilities in late adults with the benefits of practical life experiences they offer. For many of the older or aging individuals the issue about mental health is not affecting them to a significant degree. Problems that commonly beset younger generations such as alcoholism, depression and other illnesses may not necessarily afflict them and in many cases may even be reversed, for instance, dementia, as long as timely treatment is afforded to the patient. Only Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and multi-infarct dementia are cases where the patient’s condition is no longer reversible (Papalia et al, 2002). At this stage, what is termed as crystallized intelligence or abilities are more pronounced than fluid intelligence. According to Baltes, the dual-process model which includes the mechanics of intelligence and pragmatics of intelligence are also contrasted during the aging years, with the former in decline and the latter in continuous growth. Another important change includes the gradual slowing down of the rate of information processing due to the reduction of functioning in the nervous system. Although considered an important development aspect, this slowing down is also dependent on certain factors including individuality (Papalia, 2002). In contrast with the general slowing down of these functionings, which includes what is termed as instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), the aging years are marked however, with ability to work out interpersonal or emotionally charged problems. There is indeed a great difference to memory especially working memory, or one’s capacity to remember some detailed or events in particular, has sufficiently declined. Other than that, semantic, procedural, sensory, and priming types of memory are comparatively the same with those in the earlier stages (Papalia et al, 2002). C. Biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors that affect people’s ability to cope with dying. People in their aging years are in most cases individuals constantly aware of their mortality. However, the more the aging person is exposed to a variety of influences, his/her attitude with regards to his/her own death and more so with a spouse or loved one who’s gone on ahead will be greatly impacted. Research reveals that profound loneliness is one of the greatest struggles or burdens that a widow or widower faces especially that in countries like the United States people in their old age live away from their children or direct relatives. Although this is true, adjusting to loss is a lot different to this particular age compared to those who encounter bereavement in the younger years. More specifically, studies show that there are certain personalities too that account for many of those who were able to cope better in the wake of the death of a loved one like the spouse. People who have high self-esteem, the more outgoing types, are said to be more resilient, although men are still at risk (mentally and physically)compared with women where gender is the issue as men tend to be more dependent emotionally on their wives (Berk, 2004 in Ferraro, 2001) and as they are less religious than women in general Berk, 2004 in Lee et al. 2001). Moreover, Caucasians versus their African-American counterparts succumb to mental illness and disturbances due to the family constellation difference: the former living more solitary existence whereas the latter have connectedness or extended families as well as church relationships (Berk, 2004 in Balaswamy Richardson, 2001). D. How grieving the loss of a loved one is influenced by individual and circumstantial factors. Specifically, as mentioned in the preceding page on how a person in the aging years cope with the death and dying, the individual’s response at this stage to the loss of the loved one depends on a lot of factors. Conclusion Recommendation Devolution and not evolution is the fact of life. There’s no point arguing the fact that we (as years eat its way into our bodies) are decaying, so to speak. To some, who were once strong and athletic, the reality of losing one’s vigor seems unacceptable. It’s hard to swallow the negative realism of aging. The simple chores that once were indeed â€Å"simple† have now become impossible tasks to some of us who were once upon a time, mighty competitors in some events in sports. Running may not be advisable anymore. Walking, the most common movement to a normal functioning individual is difficult when arthritis has already crept into his joints (Smith et al, 2007 in http://www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/ency/article/004023. htm). Physical changes are natural occurrences of wear and tear and are included in the order of things since time immemorial (Smith, Suzanna et al in Rantanen et al, 1997). This is one of nature’s physical laws that no matter how many technological breakthroughs have been discovered and come to the forefront of human existence, up till now, the best of these man-made intelligent inventions are not able to arrest these signs of deterioration. A senior citizen has to deal with problems such as high blood pressure, the cumulative effects of fatty deposits or cholesterol build up, some parts of the body that almost do not work anymore, and those parts that work may incur pain and a degree of discomfort (University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS)). Physical activity as mentioned, have some benefits to slow down degenerative disorders but are not designed to reverse the course of aging. What is more tragic at times is, whenever people realize that the symptoms of aging are already there, it’s too late for them. They are now coping with regrets for earlier times and opportunities that had passed; these were opportunities supposed to avert and prevent the speedy physical breakdown and enjoy more quality of life in their later years. Reference: Berk, Laura E. 2004. Development Through the Lifespan. Allyn Bacon, Pearson Education.Aging: physical changes. University of Iowa, Hospital and Clinics Accessed in http://www. uihealthcare. com/topics/aging/agin4120. html April 19, 2007. Saxon, Sue et al. Physical Change And Aging. A Guide For The Helping Professions, 4th Edition GNP Originally published by The Tiresias Press, Inc. Accessed in http://www. aginginplace. org/traits/sensory/ April 19, 2007. Isbell, Lou. Physical Changes in Aging. Accessed April 19, 2007 in http://extension. missouri. edu/explore/hesguide/humanrel/gh6729. htm Papalia, Diane E, Sally W. Olds, Ruth Duskin Feldman. 2002. Human Development 8th Ed.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Cause of World War I Essay -- World War 1 One WWI First History Es

The Cause of World War I I Feel that there many reasons for the start of the First World War and not just one, I think it’s a bit more complicated than that. I have put them into six categories but could be split into more if necessary. All the categories concern the main powers of Europe. The war was mainly started by feuds between the powers. There are alliances between the powers, ‘ The Triple Alliance, ’ which contained: Germany, Austria and Italy. ‘ The Triple Entente, ’ which contained: Great Britain, Russia and France. The trigger to the war I feel was the Franz Ferdinand incident. Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austrian-Hungry throne, on the 28th of June 1914 was attempted to be assassinated. The incident happened when a grenade hit his car, injuring an officer. Later on that day on his way to visit the officer in hospital, his driver took a wrong tern straight past Principe of the ‘Black Hand’ movement, who killed the Archduke and his wife. The next event in the chain was that because the Serbs want there people freed they cause up roar, as they are a Nationalist group. Serbia was commanding that they handed over Bosnia. Austria-Hungry after the Archduke being killed feel that they have to go to war with Serbia, but don’t want to as they know that if they do Russia will get involved, as there so many Slavs in Russia. Austria-Hungry go to Germany to ask for there backing in the war. On the 23rd of July, knowing that they will have Germanys backing, send ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Imapact evaluation of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program

Regular monitoring of the household beneficiary database 2. Spot Checks 3. Quantitative Impact Evaluation (3-Wave Design) (34. Qualitative Evaluation 5. Monitoring by a National Independent Advisory and Monitoring Committee Preliminary results of the Pantywaist Paying Filipino Program First Impact Evaluation (2011) 3 Objectives of the Impact Evaluation The II is designed to assess: 1 . Current effects of Pantywaist Family, Conditional Cash Family, Transfer Program ; Impact on use of health services and health outcomes ; Impact on schooling Impact on consumption 2.Different impact on different groups Geographic areas Gender IP status Relative poverty More children stay in school, with better chance to graduate from grade school 76 % Day Care/ Pre-school 65 % 98 % Elementary School 93 % Regular attendance among 12-14 year olds 10 percentage points higher in enrolment rate in day care or pre-school 96 % 5 percentage points higher in enrollment rate in elementary in regular attendance ra te 91 % in elementary & high school Pantywaist Households Non-pantywaist Households 4 More families prioritize education and health in their household budgetPantywaist families spend: 33% more on MEDICINE & MEDICAL SERVICES 36% more on EDUCATION = household budget More children use health services 80. 6 % 74. 9 % Percentage of children O – 5 years old 70 63. 3 % 55. 3 % 50 Non-pantywaist Households Pantywaist 33. 3 % 20 10 16. 9% Having their weight monitored Taking determine pills Taking Vitamin A 5 More pregnant mothers get health care 54. 2% 63. 6% with 4 prenatal care visits Non -Pantywaist : with prenatal care Pantywaist: 26. 9% 36. 4% with postnatal care within 24 hours after delivery Without prenatal with postnatal Pantywaist: with postnatal care Without ConclusionsBased on the initial findings, Pantywaist Family: ; Has strong and consistent impact on the key indicators targeted by the program in line with other ACT programs around the world. ; Is on track in reaching the program objectives set by DEWS 6 Future Plans and Directions On Impact Evaluation ; Conduct of 2nd and 3rd Wave Impact Evaluation in October 2013 and October 201 5 respectively ; Conduct of specialized studies on: ; Infant and Maternal Health ; Gender ; Indigenous Peoples . Pad ; Family Development Sessions ; Transition ; Local governance (supply side) 7 Thank you you.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Student Can Succeed Working 15 Hours per Week

A student can succeed working 15 hours per week. This will be successful with careful time budgeting and the selection of the correct job. The student must create a time budget and carefully allocate the hours to each activity for this to work; deviations from the budget will likely result in loss of sleep, loss of grade point average (GPA) or unsatisfactory job performance.The student must allocate time between class participation, homework, exercise, social events and other extracurricular activities.   Use of alcohol and other light drugs should be avoided, but light usage every once in a while during social activities will not unduly upset the time allocations.The time budget consists of the following allocations: 20 hours per week attending classes; 20 hours per week doing homework and lab work; 7 hours per week exercising; and 7 hours per week socializing and doing other extracurricular activities. Note there is no time allocation for the job, that is because homework will be done while on the job. Although the times for exercising and socializing average 1 hour per day, there is no requirement that these activities need to be done on a daily basis. During exam week and at other critical times, the socializing activities can drop down significantly.Selection of the correct job is critical for the success of the work budget. The job must allow the student to do homework while at work. The jobs best suited for the working student include receptionist, evening watchman, intern jobs for the United States Government (including the CIA and NSA), house sitting, or babysitting.   The job can be worked either 3 hours per weekday or 7.5 hours on the weekends. House sitting is ideal, because it provides a free room and generates income. However, house sitting jobs will be the hardest to get.Government intern jobs pay very well but demand a five year commitment after college which may not be appropriate for all students. Also the student must be working on a tech nical degree, have a clean background, and have a high GPA. Evening watchman will likely be the most available job, but typically requires 40 hours per week not 15. Students may be able to convince a potential employer to share the slot so that an entire 8 hour shift can be covered by three students. Job sharing will be successful if the student schedules do not intersect, which may be difficult.The student also needs to eat and sleep. The time budget requires 8 hours per day for sleep and 3 hours per day for eating. The typical day for the student will be to rise at 7 AM and eat breakfast and then work on homework until the first class of the day at 10 AM. The student will eat lunch and then attend afternoon classes until 4 PM.The student will then do homework until it is time for the job. The student should make a dinner and bring it work to eat there. While on the job the student will read and do other homework assignments until the work period has finished. The job should comple te by 10 PM. The student then should walk home (getting exercise) and go to bed at 11 PM. There should be time during various parts of the day to have conversations with friends and work on hobbies such as music performance.The schedule does not allocate time for the weekends. If the student elects to work during the weekends, then there can be more time allocated during the week for socializing and exercise.The student should not keep an entire week of homework until getting to the job, as that will mean missing key points during the lecture period. So if reading is required for a particular class then that reading should be done before the class starts. Writing term papers and essays will be perfect for the weekend hours as that requires focused attention for several hours. The student should ensure that they will be allowed to bring a laptop computer to the job site. The schedule will allow a student to work 15 hours a week and keep a good GPA.   

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Music and Math essays

Music and Math essays "Music is the harmonization of opposites, the unification of disparate things, and the conciliation of warring elements...Music is the basis of agreement among things in nature and of the best government in the universe. As a rule it assumes the guise of harmony in the universe, of lawful government in a state, and of a sensible way of life in the home. It brings together and unites." - The Pythagoreans. Every school student will recognize his name as the originator of that theorem which offers many cheerful facts about the square on the hypotenuse. Many European philosophers will call him the father of philosophy. Many scientists will call him the father of science. To musicians, nonetheless, Pythagoras is the father of music. According to Johnston, it was a much told story that one day the young Pythagoras was passing a blacksmiths shop and his ear was caught by the regular intervals of sounds from the anvil. When he discovered that the hammers were of different weights, it occurred to him that the intervals might be related to those weights. Pythagoras was correct. Pythagorean philosophy maintained that all things are numbers. Based on the belief that numbers were the building blocks of everything, Pythagoras began linking numbers and music. Revolutionizing music, Pythagoras findings generated theorems and standards for musical scales, relationships, instruments and creative formation. Musical scales became defined and taught. Instrument makers began a precision approach to device construction. Composers developed new attitudes of composition that encompassed a foundation of numeric value in addition to melody. All three of these approaches were based on Pythagorean philosophy. Thus, Pythagoras relationship between numbers and music had a profound influence on future musical education, instrumentation, and composition. The intrinsic discovery made by Pythagoras was the potential order to the chaos o...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Slavery in the territories essays

Slavery in the territories essays It has been said that the institution of slavery caused The Civil War. In the years leading up to Americas bloodiest war, the new territories the United States acquired began to get enough citizens so that they may become states. The question that ripped Congress and this country apart was whether or not these new states would be admitted as free or slave states. You see, until these states appeared there was a fragile balance of fourteen slave states and fourteen free ones. Admitting a state either way would cause a shift in power in the Senate, and who ever won could basically run the country. The first position to be discussed is that of the South. The South obviously believed that it was their right to take slaves into the new territories. As John C. Calhoun said it, there could be no compromise on the territorial issue. (67). The South felt that not being able to bring slaves into the colonies deprived them of their equality with the other states, the North in particular. They felt that the North was trying to dominate them, almost making the Southern whites slaves, The North is determined to convert all the southern population into slaves...The North and South are now completely separated. (70). The South felt that there was nothing wrong with the institution of slavery. It was their way of life and the means by which they made their living. Jefferson Davis said it best to exemplify the Souths feelings. To the abolitionists he said, They called slavery a sin. By which standard did they measure it? Not by the Constitution, which recognized property in slaves. Not by the Bible; that justifies it. (219). As is seen by that quote, the South felt justified in their use of slaves. They saw it protected by the Constitution, a document written by possibly the most respected men in American history, and a document held nearly in the same ligh ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Details of James Deans Death in a Car Accident

Details of James Dean's Death in a Car Accident In September 1955, actor James Dean was driving his brand-new Porsche 550 Spyder to an auto rally in Salinas, California, when he was involved in a head-on collision with a 1950 Ford Tudor. James Dean, only 24 years old, died in the crash. Although already famous for his role in East of Eden, his death and the release of Rebel Without a Cause caused James Dean to soar to cult status. James Dean, forever frozen as the talented, misunderstood, rebellious youth remains the symbol of teenage angst. Who Was James Dean? John Kobal Foundation/Contributor/Getty Images James Dean had appeared in a number of television shows before getting his big break in 1954 when he was chosen to play Cal Trask, the leading male role in the film East of Eden (1955). This was the only one of Deans films released before his death. Quickly following East of Eden, James Dean was signed to play Jim Stark in Rebel Without a Cause (1955), the film for which Dean is best remembered. Immediately following the filming for Rebel Without a Cause, Dean played the lead role in Giant (1956). Both of these films were released after Deans death. James Dean Raced Cars As Deans movie career began to take off, James Dean also started to race cars. In March 1955 Dean raced in the Palm Springs Road Races, and in May of that year he raced in the Minter Field Bakersfield race and the Santa Barbara Road Races. James Dean liked to go fast. In September 1955 Dean replaced his white Porsche 356 Super Speedster with a new, silver Porsche 550 Spyder. Bettmann/Contributor/Getty Images Dean had the car specialized by having the number 130 painted on both the front and back. Also painted on the back of the car was Little Bastard, Deans nickname given to him by friend Bill Hickman, who was Deans dialogue coach for Giant. The Accident On September 30, 1955, James Dean was driving his new Porsche 550 Spyder to an auto rally in Salinas, California, when the fatal accident occurred. Originally planning to tow the Porsche to the rally, Dean changed his mind at the last minute and decided to drive the Porsche instead. Dean and Rolf Wuetherich, Deans mechanic, rode in the Porsche. Following were photographer Sanford Roth and Bill Hickman, driving a Ford station wagon that had a trailer for the Spyder attached. En route to Salinas, Dean was pulled over by police officers near Bakersfield for speeding around 3:30 p.m. After being stopped, Dean and Wuetherich continued on their way. Two hours later, around 5:30 p.m., they were driving westbound on Highway 466 (now called State Route 46), when a 1950 Ford Tudor pulled out in front of them. 23-year-old Donald Turnupseed, the driver of the Ford Tudor, had been traveling east on Highway 466 and was attempting to make a left turn onto Highway 41. Unfortunately, Turnupseed had already started to make his turn before he saw the Porsche traveling quickly toward him. Without time to turn, the two cars smashed nearly head-on. The injuries among the three involved in the crash varied greatly. Turnupseed only received minor injuries from the accident. Rolf Wuetherich, the passenger in the Porsche, was lucky to be thrown from the Porsche. Although he suffered serious head injuries and a broken leg, he survived the crash. Dean, however, was killed in the accident. Dean was just 24 years old at the time of the wreck. Posthumous Academy Awards To this day, James Dean is the only person to receive two Academy Award nominations posthumously. In 1956, he was nominated posthumously for Best Leading Actor for his role in East of Eden. This was a historic first. In 1957, Dean was again posthumously nominated for Best Leading Actor, this time for his role in Giant. What Happened to Deans Smashed Car? Many Dean fans wonder what happened to the smashed Porsche. After the accident, the crumpled car was toured around the United States as part of a driver safety presentation. However, en route between two stops, the car disappeared. In 2005, Volo Auto Museum in Volo, Illinois, offered $1 million to anyone who currently had the car. So far, the car has not resurfaced.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Globalization and development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Globalization and development - Essay Example For example, the government liberalized agriculture at the margin, such that farmers were only allowed to sell their surplus freely at prices determined by the forces of demand and supply if they met their state obligation. Guthrie attributes the increase in economic growth in China to the process of market reformation in the country. The transition from planned to market economy, lies in the political reforms that have been taking place in the country, from communism to capitalism. However, according to Rodrik, the Republic of China is still mostly communist since the government controls most of the people’s resources. This is however advantageous, as according to both authors, privatization is not necessary in market reformation, though it is advised. Control by the government has ensured a form of direction and regulation in the economy, making it steady. However, the development of China is somewhat of a paradox since economists predict that there will be future consequences to the entire international market. For instance, since it is the most populous country in the world, the fact that its food reserves are inadequate to cope with the rising population will lead to crippling of the grain market by the year 2030. Also, China is the second largest consumer of oil in the world, due to its high demand; the prices of oil have been constantly on the increase creating artificial shortage in the international market (Guthrie, 2006). Developing countries can learn a lot from China, which took 25 years to do what others would have taken 30 years or more. The source of its success according to the two authors is the fact that there has to be government involvement in the process of growth. Countries should not adopt reforms from the Washington Consensus without taking to regard the uniqueness of their own economies (Rodrik, 2007). Those having planned economies should also consider the adaptation of

Innovation and change (Mobile phone industry ) Essay

Innovation and change (Mobile phone industry ) - Essay Example Government has always bended its brows on companies that have innovated in their technology and business practices but not provided for safe and eco-friendly disposal of parts and batteries (â€Å"Life Cycle Management: A business guide to sustainability†). Being responsible to the environment affects the product offering in the way that consumers make an image of unethical manufacturer in their minds. Nokia has been able to create a good image by providing for eco-friendly disposal of its handset parts across the world. Taxes are means of revenues for Government. A flourishing industry provides better prospects of high taxes to the government. Mobile phone industry has climbed up the ladder of evolution and growth in a very short span and has also been taxed heavily for latest technological innovations. These innovations sometimes help to curb emerging competition due to its monetary intensity and also help avoid malpractices which might take place under innovation disguise. Consumer protection laws and regulations also have a huge bearing on innovation taking place in mobile industry. Innovations are expensive and if the involved technology does not satisfy customer requirements, it has to be replaced abiding by consumer laws, which could be a means of huge losses for the innovator (Bonthron 2009). Technology reducing international distances every day, mobile manufacturers have to resort to efficiency in operational costs by rationalizing their supply chain through international trading. However, across borders, import and export charges and duties have much affected the growth of mobile phone innovation. There have been many cases where host government has denied entry of foreign players due to the fear of their market being captured by other telephony giant, thereby siphoning a major portion of their GDP. Competition has been very stiff in the mobile phone

Friday, October 18, 2019

Managing Information Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Managing Information Technology - Essay Example The managers can make this data become useful for them if they share it in a wise manner with the publics that are present within an organization. This will assure that the data remains supreme and of utmost quality at the end of the day (Brown, DeHayes, Hoffer, Martin & Perkins, 2009). Such data will manifest growth, productivity and development across the board as far as an organizational understanding is concerned. However, what is most significant here is a comprehension that the data is made use of in a very smart fashion so that there are no delays and hangovers for the sake of the organization in the long run. Hence, the managers shall always reap the rich dividends behind the data that exists within an organization as it is for their own benefit in the long run. The managers need to make wise decisions with respect to the same. References Brown, C.V., DeHayes, D.W, Hoffer, J.A., Martin, W.E., Perkins, W.C., 2009. Managing Information Technology , 6th ed. Prentice Hall

Effects Of Society On The Development Of A Homosexual Research Paper

Effects Of Society On The Development Of A Homosexual - Research Paper Example However, the general attitude that the society has toward gay men or lesbian women continues to be negative. Most homosexual individuals do not get the support or acceptance that an individual of regular sexual orientation would get. This perhaps is the reason why most homosexual individuals are subject to a high degree of trauma and mental stress in the process of accepting and living with their sexual orientation. Majority of society believes that homosexuality is a choice, causing them to be judgmental toward those who experience same sex attractions. This paper discusses the effects of society on the development of a homosexual, analyzing the problems faced by them through different stages of life. In the beginning stages of life or during childhood, there are no traces or hints that would reveal sexual orientation, meaning it would simply not make sense to try and analyze the emotions and feelings experienced by a homosexual in the stages of childhood. Studies on the causes of homosexuality have not shown any connection between sexual orientation and history of sexual abuse. This would rule out the possibility that sexual abuse in early ages could be accounted in the process of understanding the causes of homosexuality, thereby making an analysis of the childhood face unnecessary and rather pointless. Sexual orientation would not be evident, nor will it be talked of or noticed at such an early age. The individuals would not realize it until later, while some others even live in conflict with their sexual orientation, unable to accept it or admit it. The stage where the individuals begin to feel or rather realize that there might be some difference in how they regard themselve s as a sexual being or the attraction that they feel towards a person is early adolescence. It is in this stage that slight changes occur in their emotions and feelings when compared to those who are heterosexual or straight. By this time however, the society has

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Contribution of Claudio Monteverdi to music Research Paper

Contribution of Claudio Monteverdi to music - Research Paper Example As a teen, writing music in different new styles was his passion. As there was no credible record linking him to the cathedral choir, the music lessons could be deemed as privately acquired. The first music that he produced was some few motets and the sacred madrigals between 1582 and 1583; it had to do with child prodigy. In the year 1587, he published his first book that dealt with secular madrigals, and shortly began to look for work away from his native town. He then worked for Vincenzo I in Mantua, in the capacity of a maestro di Capella from 1591, until his dismissal in 1612. Later on, he took a more coveted post on the land of Peninsula as maestro di Capella at St. Mark's in Venice, until his death in November 29, 1643 (Monteverdi, 2011). According to Wistreich (2011), Claudio contributed a lot to the field of music. As an Italian composer in the late Renaissance era, he was the most significant producer of the then new genre, the opera. He was also instrumental in the church music by introducing a â€Å"modern† secular spirit. He is among the key figures that shaped the music history as his works majorly marked the new era of music. His substantial contribution included the introduction and also the defense of seconda practica. This was the new composing style that made the text superior over that the music motivation contrary to the Renaissance prima practica. In the prior era, the music dominated the words. This was instrumental in bringing about a new dramatic style to be employed in Baroque era. His key achievement was in his appealing expression to the human psychology. The early madrigals that he produced can also be viewed as studies of emotions that are more diverse and superior. Taking a closer look at Monteverdi's significant contribution to music in the music industry, a close study of all his nine books of Madrigals can be done. L’Orfeo became the first to display the potential of the then novel genre while his second work, Lâ €™Arianna may be viewed as that which sustained his survival (Wistreich, 2011). Monteverdi’s work is a significant mark in the transition from the Renaissance to Baroque music. Monteverdi acts as a bridge of the Renaissance and the Baroque. He combined both the secular and sacred styles to give one work. He also expanded the Renaissance polyphony and further advanced it towards the counterpoint used in the Baroque era. During his entire life, he produced work that could be classified in both the categories, and he was among the key figures that brought the most critical revolution in the style. Monteverdi also produced one of the first grammatical opera, Orfeo, in the year 1607, and was lucky to be famous throughout his entire lifetime. This opera assisted Monteverdi to create a totally new music style, the dramma per musica (Beaussant, 2003). According to Wistreich (2011), Monteverdi also produced singing forms that are quite critical part of the opera today; these inclu de the chorus, the recitative, the arioso, and the aria. Monteverdi is also the first composer to allocate unique instruments to parts. He became a priest and his dedication to religious music did not stop as he still wrote operas, including his best known, historical L'incoronazione di Poppea. His successors further developed real character roles which significantly paved the way for new styles. It can be argued that his greatest creation remains that of the Vespers of the Blessed Virgin, in 1610. This work is one of his few sacred works done on any scale, but up to this day remains one of the outstanding examples of devotional music that can be compared to other works such as those of Handel's

Comparing and Contrasting Culture and Education in Saudi Arabia and Essay

Comparing and Contrasting Culture and Education in Saudi Arabia and The USA - Essay Example or Mr. as titles. University students however can just call their professors by their first names and mostly, they are encouraged by their professors to do so, which in Saudi would be unpleasant to the ears and may be deemed a sign of disrespect so that adaptation has been difficult for me in this area. In addition, I also observed the form of instruction in the schools. American schools are interactive, with the teachers encouraging the students to participate in discussions, arguing about the subject matter and voicing out their minds with the teacher ready to aid them in channeling their thought to the right decisions, which is greatly different in my country where most of the talking comes from the teacher. The students are expected to sit down and listen in return, never challenging, negotiating or discussing the topic whether an individual agrees or disagrees, a student’s duty is to keep his mouth shut. Christianity is the widely embraced religion in America and the gove rnment founded its constitution in Christian beliefs. Saudi on the other hand established her laws from Islamic ideologies. Although both religions claim an identical story of creation and trace their ancestry to the same patriarchs, the differentiation would be as the names suggest, between the prophets Muhammad and Christ as well as their teachings. Speaking of government, the form used in Saudi is monarchy with council of ministers and consultative council helping the king in his government affairs. The king’s authority is limited because of the context of his role indicated in the Shari’a and other traditions (U.S. Department of State). America on the other hand,... This paper approves that media could be found to be a common phenomenon, affecting the countries’ success and legislation through the distribution of highly competent publications not only in the native tongues of both countries but in other languages as well. Legal issues and individual concepts are placed into the assessment of different sectors as the media make available the information released through broadcast or paper. And this is not just for people to express their interpretations of events but in response to the shared belief of a better environment we all could make. America has a greater number of immigrants from a wider scale of immigrants than that of Saudi. thais paper makes a conclusion that Nations could be entirely different but the fact cannot be denied that somehow, we are somewhat related to each other in unique ways. Looking at the data discussed in this paper, one could easily come up with an analysis of the approach a nation could employ in the making of its policies to meet the specific needs of different nations as each are different. A characteristic may be stronger in one nation than the other but this does not mean that the virtue is solely for that particular nation. In conclusion, as each have varied resources, nations should get involved in the exchange of benefits to build a global relationship that allows every nation to survive in this chaotic world.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Contribution of Claudio Monteverdi to music Research Paper

Contribution of Claudio Monteverdi to music - Research Paper Example As a teen, writing music in different new styles was his passion. As there was no credible record linking him to the cathedral choir, the music lessons could be deemed as privately acquired. The first music that he produced was some few motets and the sacred madrigals between 1582 and 1583; it had to do with child prodigy. In the year 1587, he published his first book that dealt with secular madrigals, and shortly began to look for work away from his native town. He then worked for Vincenzo I in Mantua, in the capacity of a maestro di Capella from 1591, until his dismissal in 1612. Later on, he took a more coveted post on the land of Peninsula as maestro di Capella at St. Mark's in Venice, until his death in November 29, 1643 (Monteverdi, 2011). According to Wistreich (2011), Claudio contributed a lot to the field of music. As an Italian composer in the late Renaissance era, he was the most significant producer of the then new genre, the opera. He was also instrumental in the church music by introducing a â€Å"modern† secular spirit. He is among the key figures that shaped the music history as his works majorly marked the new era of music. His substantial contribution included the introduction and also the defense of seconda practica. This was the new composing style that made the text superior over that the music motivation contrary to the Renaissance prima practica. In the prior era, the music dominated the words. This was instrumental in bringing about a new dramatic style to be employed in Baroque era. His key achievement was in his appealing expression to the human psychology. The early madrigals that he produced can also be viewed as studies of emotions that are more diverse and superior. Taking a closer look at Monteverdi's significant contribution to music in the music industry, a close study of all his nine books of Madrigals can be done. L’Orfeo became the first to display the potential of the then novel genre while his second work, Lâ €™Arianna may be viewed as that which sustained his survival (Wistreich, 2011). Monteverdi’s work is a significant mark in the transition from the Renaissance to Baroque music. Monteverdi acts as a bridge of the Renaissance and the Baroque. He combined both the secular and sacred styles to give one work. He also expanded the Renaissance polyphony and further advanced it towards the counterpoint used in the Baroque era. During his entire life, he produced work that could be classified in both the categories, and he was among the key figures that brought the most critical revolution in the style. Monteverdi also produced one of the first grammatical opera, Orfeo, in the year 1607, and was lucky to be famous throughout his entire lifetime. This opera assisted Monteverdi to create a totally new music style, the dramma per musica (Beaussant, 2003). According to Wistreich (2011), Monteverdi also produced singing forms that are quite critical part of the opera today; these inclu de the chorus, the recitative, the arioso, and the aria. Monteverdi is also the first composer to allocate unique instruments to parts. He became a priest and his dedication to religious music did not stop as he still wrote operas, including his best known, historical L'incoronazione di Poppea. His successors further developed real character roles which significantly paved the way for new styles. It can be argued that his greatest creation remains that of the Vespers of the Blessed Virgin, in 1610. This work is one of his few sacred works done on any scale, but up to this day remains one of the outstanding examples of devotional music that can be compared to other works such as those of Handel's

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Quantitative research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Quantitative research - Essay Example On the other hand, the problem of the study is that persistent nursing shortages, in addition to, the worry about the quality of current health care emphasize the vital need to employ and retain a cadre of expert nurses in the nation’s hospitals. The researchers carried out an extensive literature review on the literature that supports the problem of the study. In addition, the study has mainly used primary sources, which provide evidence-based information for the investigation (Polit and Beck, 2008). However, the researcher used a number of information resources that are not up to date with some written 22 years before the time of the study. The researchers should have used latest literature, probably those published within 7 years or so. The literature review also provides a state-of-the-art blending of evidence with regard to the research problem, and it provides a substantial foundation for this study. In the study, the researchers have included a number of concepts, which they have adequately defined conceptually. The researchers have also included a conceptual framework, which is appropriate because it clearly defines the concepts of the study and the professional practice model that is suitable for the study. Although the researchers have not provided a conceptual map, it is justified because it could have served the purpose of the conceptual framework. The study included the following a set of three questions, which are explicitly stated. The questions sought to find out the baseline level of job satisfaction by nurses in a pediatric hospital with a conventional, hierarchical nursing administrative structure before the realization of an innovative professional practice model. It also sought to identify changes in job satisfaction that are associated with the execution of a fresh professional practice model whose emphasis is on participatory governance. The other question wanted to find out how the level of job satisfaction changes from the time o f submitting the Magnet recognition application to a year post submission in the chosen case. These questions are correctly worded with logical specification of the key variables and the study population. In addition, the questions are in tandem with the literature that the researchers reviewed and the conceptual framework that they provided. The researcher included a single hypothesis, which stated that the process of transforming the model of nursing control to participatory from top-down in order to attain Magnet recognition might be hectic and would be related with decreases in nurses’ satisfaction at work. The hypothesis is also suitable for the study because it clearly specifies key variables and it is consistent with the conceptual framework and the literature review (Polit and Beck, 2008). The study was cross-sectional, and it examined job satisfaction in a private pediatric, 282-bed hospital. The researcher conducted the study before, during, and directly after the a pplication for and achievement of a Magnet hospital position. It was during the time when nursing administrators, staff nurses, hospital nursing administrators, and nurse managers in cooperation developed a formal collective governance

Monday, October 14, 2019

Problems with Education Essay Example for Free

Problems with Education Essay What is it that’s making our nation suffer from excelling in education? Not many would argue about the importance of excellence in education. Problems such as teacher attrition, lack of parent involvement, and teaching high-stakes testing may hinder progress in education. An education is an indispensable and essential tool, unfortunately, with all the jaded judgments; our students aren’t valuing or able to value their education. An Education can open the doors to opportunities that would have never been possible if it had not been for the knowledge and preparation that one received while in school. With the fluctuating economy and hesitant times, it is more important than ever for our nation’s children to receive the proper education and training that will allow them to acquire a good job and produce the revenue needed to live. Unfortunately, there are many problems facing our education system today, and several of them are having negative effects on the quality of the education our students are receiving. Would one feel comfortable fifty years from now, when the children who are victim of the disadvantages of teacher attrition, lack of parent involvement and a majority of their education being how to take a high stakes test, are running this nation? How soundly can one sleep knowing that their decisions on a bill deciphering how much of a pension someone will receive or what’s legal and what’s not is at stake? Should these problems be quietly swept under the rug and addressed again in another five years, or is it best bite the financial bullet and at the very least, acknowledge there is an issue? A serious problem that is attacking the education system in America is the alarming attrition rate of teachers. Only those not involved with education at all will argue that it is an undemanding profession; in actuality, it is a very demanding profession with an often overwhelming amount of pressure and responsibility tied to it. However, it can also be a very rewarding profession. Unfortunately, many teachers simply cannot overcome the immense responsibilities well enough to stick with the profession for any length of time. Jalongo and Heider (2006) present staggering statistics in their article, saying that forty-six percent of new teachers in this country quit teaching after five years or less, with that percentage growing to fifty percent in urban areas. Even more shocking is the fact that ninety percent of teachers who are hired in this country are replacements for teachers who have left teaching for some reason other than retirement (p. 379). There are many reasons that the rate of teachers leaving the profession is so high. Anhorn (2008) very concisely sums up some of the major problems in her article when she says, â€Å"Difficult work assignments, inadequate resources, isolation, role conflict, and reality shock are some top reasons for the horrendous attrition statistics with the widespread â€Å"sink or swim† attitude that is prevalent in so many schools† (p. 15). It is easy to see why the beginning teacher attrition rate is so high. There is simply so much to do these days, between extracurricular responsibilities and high-stakes testing, it is easy to get overwhelmed. In her article, Sitler (2007) sums it up quite nicely when she says, No one expects the first years of teaching to be easy. No one expects that Teaching assignments will never change. But no one expects either that One’s first years of teaching will be compromised by administrative Systems that make instability and disillusionment routine occurrences Rather than exceptions. (p. 22) If teachers received more support from the administration and less of the strong arm effect, educators wouldn’t be so timid in teaching and instead bring more value to the classroom. Many of us probably remember our parents being very involved with our education, whether they were part of the PTA or just asked about your grades and homework every day when you got home. Unfortunately, today, parental involvement seems to be waning. While there still is a good deal of involvement at the elementary level, middle school and high school, when children really need that parental guidance, it’s almost nonexistent. It is our responsibility to try to involve parents who seem hesitant and reluctant to be a part of their child’s education. No matter what the hesitation is from the parent, be it a language barrier,  fear of school itself, whatever might be causing a parent to be stand offish about their child’s education and being an active part of it, not only the teacher, but administration should use every opportunity to pull a parent in and allow them to become and active part in their childs education. When parents are involved in education, teens typically have higher grade point averages, higher test scores on standardized and classroom assessments, enrollment in more rigorous academic courses, more classes passed, more credits earned toward graduation, and higher graduation rates. Parents are not performing their duties as first teacher to their kids in education. Many parents left their kids behind and keep putting the blame on the teachers due to their misunderstanding of the No Child Left Behind Act. These parents concerned are the ones who left their kids behind and not the schools; teachers are secondary to kids’ education. Unfortunately so many educators feel such pressure to prepare students for the TAKS test that they fail to ever demonstrate the relevance of what they are teaching. They fail to teach the items within the curriculum that are useful outside of the walls of the school. So, we have students who graduate and can solve quadratic equations, classify living organisms and distinguish between a plant and an animal cell but don’t know how to budget money, complete a financial aid form, solve a real-world problem, think for themselves, or apply the testing information beyond what was taught. I have heard people say the purpose of the exams is to make sure our students do not graduate before they know basics skills†¦ like Physics? Most of the arguments I hear come from people who have never even looked at the test; people who just blindly adhere to the regulations because it is a law. Which leads me to the most frustrating and most often argument I hear which is, â€Å"We need to hold students accountable because it is the law? † Well, there have been lots of bad laws over the years. Does anyone remember the Jim Crow laws? If as a country we were to have blindly followed these laws, then blacks and whites would still be segregated. There is no denying the fact that the problems mentioned, are not going to go away over night. They are major issues facing American education, and educators simply must do everything in our power to conquer them. An education is such a valuable and necessary tool, and we must do everything we can to get our students to value their education. I personally do believe there is hope for a positive change. Problems don’t fix themselves, and if admitting that we need help in going about the way our nation views the importance of education is what needs to be done, then it’s time to slap on the â€Å"HELLO MY NAME IS †¦Ã¢â‚¬  sticker and start being honest and start fixing the problems of teacher attrition, lack of parent involvement and teaching children how to take a state issued test. References Jalongo, M. R. , Heider, K. (2006). Editorial teacher attrition: An issue of national concern. Early Childhood Education Journal, 33(6), 379-380. Anhorn, R. (2008). The profession that eats its young. The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 74(3), 15-26. Sitler, H. C. (2007). The lived experience of new teachers, or why should I stay in this profession? Phi Kappa Phi Forum, 87(4), 22.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Effect of Nursing on Stress Levels of Cancer Patients

Effect of Nursing on Stress Levels of Cancer Patients Does good nursing management can influence the nursing care to reduce stress, anxiety and difficult behaviour in cancer patients as compare to ineffective management plan to achieve better therapeutic outcomes? Search terms that can be used for relevant literature will be nursing management plans for patients with cancer, stress, anxiety, good nurse patient relationship, and challenging behaviours. The research is to explore and summarize the literature based on the published information such as journals, articles, books. The purpose of this review is to identify best practice evidence that examining the cancer patients. The literature review will give direction to plan the study and understand the outcomes. (Burns Grove 2009). The difficult patient behaviour versus good nursing strategies based on the research question (Emold et al 2011). Inclusion criteria included the all publications based on the difficult patient behaviour and good nursing management plans to reduce stress and anxiety in patients. The strength of evidence was based on the hierarchy of evidence with randomised controlled trial and meta-analysis being considered the best evidence as the primary source if available. Other research and levels of evidence was included where evidence was not that much strong. The literature review was undertaken using electronic data bases and catalogues such as CINAHL, science direst, PubMed, for the period of 2007 and 2014. Using the original question the key phrases ‘difficult patient behaviour in oncology’ and good nursing management strategies, stress and anxiety pain, and some psychological factors those can lead to negative outcomes on patients health outcomes and nurses attitude. These search terms highlighted the number of articles on different types of cancer patients then advanced search engine w as used to narrow my search to find out the good sourced information. Going through the abstracts of each of the articles were considered the relevance and quality. Exclusion criteria includes the key words and points those will not be covered in research such as good communication strategies, challenging behaviour and comparison between effective and ineffective management plans. The good literature review and databases mostly covered the qualitative and quantitative criteria based on the clinical question and case scenario. Develop a summary table based on your 15 selected studies (500 words). Based on your summary table, provide a synthesis of the key findings and conclusions in relation to your PICO question (250 words). Support your summary from relevant literature (use in text referencing) Good nursing management plans is one of the most effective and appropriate option for the hospitalised cancer patients. Various research studies have been conducted and analysed the difference between effective and ineffective nursing care plans. Therefore, Evidence from a variety of resources indicate that staff communication, family support, working environment those factors positively influence the patient prognosis according to Rosenzweig et al 2011; Kvale 2007; Karvien et al 2013; Emold et al 2011. However, patients diagnosed with cancer causes significant distress such as mentally and physically strains to themselves and family members (Emold et al 2011). Therefore good communication skill, availability of continued support, involvement of families required to overcome these difficult emotions (Kvale 2007 Vilet et al 2013). Karvinen et al. (2013) Whitaker et al. (2009) identified the relationship between stress, anxiety, intrusive thoughts and compliance to medical care. Cer tain psychological factors such as feelings of hopelessness, physical and mental strains affect the nursing care and patient’s prognosis (Remmers et al 2010). Different intervention strategies have also been discussed in literature such as mindfulness, self-efficacy, emotional support has the beneficial effects to the general health of patients according to Tsang et al. (2012). There are certain factors those influenced the nursing care such as workload, emotional exhaustion, and decision making skills among staff may lead to negative response and affect the patient’s well-being (McCormack et al 2011). However, the literature lacks some efficacy based on the good intervention strategies for staff to overcome the difficult patient’s behaviour. Overall effective nursing management can be structured to enhance physical, psychological, and emotional wellbeing that assists in promoting positive behaviour and good health outcomes among cancer patients.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Jasmin Woolfolk :: essays research papers

I stand before you as the distinguished delegate of the USA to purpose and present to you the views of my country on the future direction of peace for the world, and for all democratic nations. As contained in my statement of fourteen points I come to participate on debate for the future of the world and its peace and security. I. Open covenants of peace, openly arrived at, after which there shall be no private international understandings of any kind but diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the public view. II. Absolute freedom of navigation upon the seas, outside territorial waters, alike in peace and in war, except as the seas may be closed in whole or in part by international action for the enforcement of international covenants. III. The removal, so far as possible, of all economic barriers and the establishment of an equality of trade conditions among all the nations consenting to the peace and associating themselves for its maintenance. IV. Adequate guarantees given and taken that national armaments will be reduced to the lowest point consistent with domestic safety. V. A free, open-minded, and absolutely impartial adjustment of all colonial claims, based upon a strict observance of the principle that in determining all such questions of sovereignty the interests of the populations concerned must have equal weight with the equitable claims of the government whose title is to be determined. VI. The evacuation of all Russian territory and such a settlement of all questions affecting Russia as will secure the best and freest cooperation of the other nations of the world in obtaining for her an unhampered and unembarrassed opportunity for the independent determination of her own political development and national policy and assure her of a sincere welcome into the society of free nations under institutions of her own choosing; and, more than a welcome, assistance also of every kind that she may need and may herself desire. The treatment accorded Russia by her sister nations in the months to come will be the acid test of their good will, of their comprehension of her needs as distinguished from their own interests, and of their intelligent and unselfish sympathy. VII. Belgium, the whole world will agree, must be evacuated and restored, without any attempt to limit the sovereignty which she enjoys in common with all other free nations. No other single act will serve as this will serve to restore confidence among the nations in the laws which they have themselves set and determined for the government of their relations with one another.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Introduction to Culture and Imperialism

Introduction to Culture and Imperialism Edward Said Culture is one of the things that elude an accurate definition. Some of the various well-known definitions are cited by Said in his various works. For instance: â€Å"Culture is the learned, accumulated experience of the communities, and it consists of socially transmitted patterns of behavior. † The final analysis of definition boils down to â€Å"socially transmitted patterns of behavior†, and makes more sense, though like other definitions, it too cannot be taken as exact and conclusive. Said also cites anthropologist Clifford Greety’s definition, An ordered system of meanings and symbols in terms of which social interaction takes place, and social system is the pattern of social interaction itself. † This definition too, has partial relevance to what culture amounts to. Said seems more in agreement with Matthew Arnold who regards culture as, â€Å"each society’s reservoir of the best that has b een known and thought†. Edward Said’s entire professional life was devoted to the teaching of literature. As his critical outlook was influenced by his colonial social background, he could not help looking for imperialistic implications in literature.Imperialism too does not lend itself to a complete conclusive definition, though it is more easily comprehensible than the word culture. For a meaningful discussion, Solomon Modell’s definition of imperialism makes a good promise. He says, â€Å"Imperialism is a policy of extending a country’s power beyond its own borders for the purpose of exploiting other lands and other people by establishing economic, social and political control over them. † Said gives an updated version of Modell’s definition in the following words† Imperialism means the practice, the theory and the attitude of a dominating metropolitan centre that rules a distant territory. † It is obvious that the interaction in imperialism takes place between the dominating and dominated nation. That interaction never develops in friendship, because of distrust and contempt on either side. The dominated nation never accepts the ideology and attitude of dominating nation. The best example is the Indo-Pak Sub-Continent, for instance, about 200 years of British rule could not bring friendship between Indians and British government.Literature not doubt is the mirror of culture. Said deplores the general attitude of the critics and readers who never care to look at the cultural aspects of the works of fiction, like the works of Carlyle, Ruskin or Even Dickens. On the other hand, he admires Conrad’s persistence as he forecasts the unstoppable unrest and misrule of the Latin American republics and singles out North America’s particular way of influencing conditions in a decisive, yet barely visible way. He praised â€Å"The Heart of Darkness† by Conrad.Speaking of the interaction between i mperialistic regime and colonized nation, he conceives culture as a protective enclosure where imperialist should stop to check his politics before he enters the door. â€Å"I found it a challenge not to see culture in this way†, says Edward Said. Since the culture includes ideology and attitudes of a nation, any effort on the part of imperialist to subdue the culture of a nation invokes violent resistances. Palestine, Kashmir and Iraq are apt illustrations of the resistance, which results in blood acts of fighting and terrorism.Education, is the field, through which imperialist finds easiest access to the culture of the subjugated nation. As most of the third world countries are backward in education, imperialists launch so-called programs for educational development, to achieve their goal. British did this by setting up state-governed schools and colleges, the curriculum was designed to produce minor officials in cheap English dress, speaking shaky English. Introduction to culture and imperialism is an accurate appraisal of current world scenario around us. It is a warning for people of the world against imperialistic approach of US.Cold War has made US the sole power, being unprecedented. During the Cold War, US had to contribute for the socio-economic development of the third world countries. Its attitude was soft and plaint. It had to respect the mandate of the UNO. In the case of US aggression, the victim state could invoke the intervention of USSR, which US could afford to ignore. With the engineered fall of USSR, US emerged as the self-appointed lord of the world. Muslim militants groups were created, trained, organized and financed to cause the fall of USSR. These groups were made to believe that it was the war between Islam and communism.Heavy consignments of sophisticated arms were supplied to those warriors. Pakistan also had to pay a heavy price by playing a major part in the downfall of USSR. Islam came to be the next target of the sole Su per Power of the world, as a potential challenge in the years to come. The oil-rich Iraq has already been laid waist in the ruthless hunt of WMDs. Afghanistan that spearheaded the war against communism, is now main target in the hunt of Osama. But the power-drunk Super Power does not bother about justifications for whatever it does, so long as it remains at the top. UNO is also helpless in this regard.US adopted the preemption policy. Even terrorism is the exclusive prorogation of the sole Super Power. The prorogation includes defining nuclear proliferation, and therefore Iran is presently on the hit list, whereas Pakistan likely to be the next target, gets an occasional growl from US administration. During 19th century immense power was concentrated in Britain and France as a result of industrialization. It was unprecedented and more formidable than power of Rome, Baghdad, Spain and Constantinople. In the later years, US also came up with Britain and France and that was peak of Wes t domination.The rise was so fast that rate of acquisition of foreign territory had risen up to 247,000 square miles per year in 1914. During this time, US was forwarded as an empire. After annexation of North American territory, Plans were set afoot through intervention to Philippines, the Caribbean, Central America, the Middle East, Vietnam and Korea. Edward Said clearly labels as Imperialism whatever US is doing around the world. He says, â€Å"The goal of the US policy is to bring a world increasingly subject to the rule of law, and it is the United States, which organizes the peace and defines the law.United States imposes the international interests by setting the ground rules for economic development and military development across the planet. † Edward Said pins his hopes on a gradual development of awareness, culminating in a formidable, well-organized resistance that would eventually force US to think wise before meddling with sovereignty of other states, but this so lution depends upon the numbers of factors which may or may not come together and it may take ages before they come.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Management Accounting – Setting Prices

cco Management Accounting Tutorial 5 15-3. List and briefly describe 4 major influences on pricing decisions Customer Demand: the demands of customers are of paramount importance in all phases of business operations, from the design of a product to the setting of its price. Product-design issues and pricing considerations are interrelated, so they must be examined simultaneously. For example, for a higher quality product; you need higher quality materials which will affect a higher cost and needs more time and this will lead to a higher pricing on a product.Also, a manager must not price its product out of the market price range. Actions of Competitors: companies must keep an eye on its competitors. If its competitor reduces its pricing on a product, they might have to follow suit to avoid losing its market share. However, one must not follow the actions of its competitors’ blindly as a company has to predict competitive reactions to its product-design and pricing strategy. Th e company must also be careful to properly define its product, such that if they increase the price of the product; will the consumers continue purchasing the product?Costs: some prices are determined almost entirely by market forces. Industries such as agriculture; where most products are market-driven. To make a profit, farmers must produce at a cost below the market price. This is very risky as it is not always possible to produce at a price lower than the market price and this will inevitably lead to losses for the farmers. In other industries, prices are set by adding a markup to production costs so managers do have some latitude in determining the markup. Therefore, both market forces and cost considerations heavily influence prices.No organization or industry can price its products below their production costs indefinitely. And no company’s management can set prices blindly at a cost plus a markup without keeping an eye on the market. Political, Legal and image-related issues: managers must adhere to certain laws. The law generally prohibits companies from discriminating among their customers in setting prices. It is also forbidden in collusion in price setting between major firms. Political considerations also can be relevant.For example, if the firms in an industry are perceived by the public as reaping unfairly large profits, there may be political pressure on legislators to tax those profits differentially or to intervene in some way to regulate prices Companies also consider their public image in the price-setting process. A firm with a reputation for very high quality products may set the price of a new product high to be consistent with its image. 15-11. Write the general formula for cost-plus pricing, and briefly explain its use. Price = Cost + (Markup % * Cost) 15-12. List the 4 common cost bases used in cost-plus pricing.How can they all result in the same price? – Variable manufacturing cost + (Markup % * Variable manufacturing cost) – Absorption manufacturing cost + (Markup % * Absorption manufacturing cost) – Total cost + (Markup % * Total cost) – Total variable cost + (Markup % * Total variable cost) Several different definitions of cost, each combined with a different markup percentage can result in the same price for a product or service. 15-13. List 4 reasons often cited for the widespread use of absorption cost as the cost base in cost-plus pricing formulas. – In the long run, the price must over all costs and a normal profit margin.Basing the cost-plus formula on only variable costs could encourage managers to set too low a price in order to boost sales. This will not happen if managers understand that a variable cost-plus pricing formula requires a higher markup to cover fixed costs and profit. Nevertheless, many managers argue that people tend to view the costs base in a cost-plus pricing formula as the floor for setting prices. If prices are set too close to variable manufacturing cost, the firm will fail to cover its fixed costs. Ultimately, such a practice could result in the failure of the business. Absorption-cost or total-cost pricing formulas provide a justifiable price that tends to be perceived as equitable by all parties. Consumers generally understand that a company must make a profit on its product or service in order to remain in business. Justifying a price as the total cost of production, sales, and administrative activities, plus a reasonable profit margin, seems reasonable to buyers. – When a company’s competitors have similar operations and cost structure, cost-plus pricing based on full costs gives management an idea of how competitors may set prices Absorption-cost information is provided by a firm’s cost accounting system, because it is required for external financial reporting under generally accepted accounting principles. Since absorption-cost information already exists, it is cost-effective to use it for pricing. The alternative would involve preparing special product-cost data specifically for the pricing decision. In a firm with hundreds of products, such data could be expensive to product. 15-14. What is the primary disadvantage of basing the cost-plus pricing formula on absorption cost? The primary disadvantage of absorption-cost or total-cost pricing formulas is hat they obscure the cost behavior pattern of the firm. Since absorption-cost and total-cost data include allocated fixed costs, it is not clear from these data how the firm’s total costs will change as volume changes. Another way of stating this criticism is that absorption-cost data are not consistent with cost-volume-profit analysis. CVP analysis emphasizes the distinction between fixed and variable costs. This approach enables managers to predict the effects of changes in prices and sales volume on profit. Absorption-cost and total-cost information obscures the distinction between variable and fixed costs . 5-15. List 3 advantages of pricing based on variable cost – Variable-cost data do obscure the cost behavior pattern by unitizing fixed costs and making them appear variable. Thus, variable-cost information is more consistent with cost-volume profit analysis often used by managers to see the profit implications of changes in price and volume – Variable-cost data do not require allocation of common fixed costs to individual product lines. – Variable-cost data are exactly the type of information managers need when facing certain decisions, such as whether to accept a special order.This decision often requires an analysis that separates fixed and variable costs 15-16. Explain the behavioral problem that can result when cost-plus prices are based on variable cost. If the managers perceive the variable cost of a product or service as the floor for the price, they may tend to set the price too low for the firm to cover its fixed costs. Therefore, if variable-cost dat a are used as the basis for cost-plus pricing, managers must understand the need for higher markups to ensure that all costs are covered. 15-17. Briefly explain the concept of return-on-investment pricingA common approach to determine the profit margin in cost-plus pricing is to base profit on the firm’s target return on investment 15-18. Explain the phrase price-led costing. Target costing sets the target cost by first determining the price at which a product can be sold in the marketplace. Subtracting the target profit margin from this target price yields the target cost, that is, the cost at which the product must be manufactured. This simple, but strategically important, relationship can expressed in the following equation:Target cost = Target price – Target profit 15-19. Why is a focus on the customer such a key principle of target costing? To be successful at target costing, management must listen to the company’s customers. Management needs to aggressivel y seek customer feedback and then the products must be designed to satisfy customer demand and be sold at a price they are willing to pay. In short, the target costing approach is market driven. 15-25. Describe the following approaches to pricing new products: skimming pricing, penetration pricing and target costing.Skimming pricing; which the initial product price is set high, and short-term profits are reaped on the new product. The initial market will be small, due in part to the high initial price. This pricing approach often is used for unique products, where there are people who ‘must have it’ whatever the price. As the product gains acceptance and its appeal broadens, the price is lowered gradually. Eventually, the product is priced in range that appeals to several kinds of buyers. Penetration pricing; which the initial price is set relatively low. By setting a low price for a new product, the management hopes to penetrate a ew market deeply, quickly gaining a la rge market share. This pricing approach often is used for products that are of good quality, but do not stand out as vastly better than competing products. Target cost; where the company first uses market research to determine the price at which a new product can be sold. Given the likely sales price, management computes the cost for which the product must be manufactured in order to provide the firm with the cost for which the product must be manufactured in order to provide the firm with an acceptable profit margin.Finally, the engineers and cost analysts work together to design a product that can be manufactured for the allowable costs. This method is used widely by companies in the development stages of new products. It is projected long-run cost that will enable a firm to enter and remain in the market for the product and compete successfully with the firm’s competitors. 15-27. Briefly explain the potential negative consequences in pricing decisions from using a traditio nal, volume-based product-costing system. Use of a traditional, volume-based product-costing system may result in significant cost distortion among product lines.In many cases, high-volume and relatively simple products are overcosted while low-volume and complex products are undercosted. This results from the fact that high0volume and relatively simple products require proportionately less activity per unit for various manufacturing support activities than do low-volume and complex products, yet a traditional product-costing system, in which all overhead is assigned on the basis of a single unit-level activity like DL hours, it fails to capture the cost implications of product diversity.

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words Essay

â€Å"A picture is worth a thousand words†, is a common saying that rings true. Which is why many newspapers decide to compliment their articles with visual elements such as photographs, drawings, or political cartoons. However, many people feel that some of the images newspapers decide to print are in bad taste. Huge Hewitt, an Evangelical Christian, compared a political cartoon of Muhammad with a bomb for a turban, to a drawing of Jesus with a crown of TNT atop his head at an abortion clinic. Because both cartoons are equally distressing and offensive, wether you are Muslim or Christian, I doubt that a newspaper in the United States would print either image. On the other hand, if I was the editor of a newspaper I would print both pictures. After the terrorist attacks of September 11th there was a huge backlash on the Muslim culture and its people in this country. The cartoon of Muhammad with a bomb as a turban illustrates, literately, how ignorant and insensitive we are to Muslim beliefs. As editor, I would add an article to the cartoon explaining how it is not created out of malice or hatred, but it is a form of satire. It was drawn to grab your attention and inspire you to ask questions about the Muslim world, what is currently happening there, and how are we, as a country, involved. As editor, I would treat the cartoon of Jesus with a crown of TNT the same way. The accompanying article would clearly state that the image in no way mocks the Christian belief system. The picture does, however, raise questions about how God, or Jesus, would view the bombing of an abortion clinic, wether the life of a fetus is more important than that of its mother, and so forth. As I have stated previously, the cartoons are satire, not actual opinions or suggestions. The drawings are to be viewed as debate starters or to help you to create your own opinions about what is being portrayed. Furthermore, under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, freedom of the press is clearly stated. These pictures, however disagreeable they maybe to some, the newspaper has its right to print them and the readers have the right to view them. In conclusion, I do not feel that any form of imagery is too bold to be printed in a newspaper, least of all a political cartoon of Jesus with TNT as a crown. As long as the readers do not take the picture for face value and can read deeper into the topic being presented, then there is no problem. As for offending people, they can just buy another newspaper if they don’t like the pictures in mine.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Business Data Communication and Networking Term Paper

Business Data Communication and Networking - Term Paper Example This will be achieved by identifying the scalability of the Wide Area Network and understand its nature. This will also include the connectivity of the vast distances that are within the headquarters of Paris, Tokyo, Los Angeles and New York. The network to be considered will depend on the flow of the network, and the number of errors that can be made in the network connection. With the wide area network, the network will be so fast and be of effective when transferring data and information. There will be a lot of connections within the network including the physical flow of the network, circuit switching, switching of the messages and packages and the development of the Wide area network to be used(Tony 2003). With the wide area network, the flow of the network will depend on the methods used for the information and data transportation. There are a number of networks to be involved in the connections between the headquarters. At the same time, the administrators on each of the office departments in the four headquarters will be able to have a good security measures on the network and be able to monitor the entire traffic, growth and the problems. The network will be required to transfer the information and data in form of data packets in all the offices of the company. With the circuit and message switching, the company will be able to have the data transferred at ease without any problem and be provided quickly without any problem. Another reason for the architecture is that information to be transferred within the offices need to remain original without being distorted in any form (Tony 2003). The information should remain in the same situation when sent from the sender to the recipient . When the numerous problems and attacks face the data being transferred, the network structure will be able to protect the information and offer security and make the network to reach at a safer position. The network will also have another sub networks that will be

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

How to fix the stray animal problem in Austin,texas Essay

How to fix the stray animal problem in Austin,texas - Essay Example Among all stray animals dogs occupy the foremost position which over 500 million. This phenomenally large number has emerged as serious predicament for animal welfare organizations as these stray dogs suffering from hunger and illness seek sanctuary in human communities where they are generally seen as a nuisance by people living alongside them. Moreover diseases caused by the bites of dogs such as rabies and distemper are extremely fatal and are not easily curable. (Austin pet Directory) Lack of knowledge and widespread unawareness about the problem has further worsened the problem. Communities in developing countries often take barbaric steps to solve this problem which includes measures like electrocuting dogs or simply shooting them. These appalling methods afflict great pain on the animal and simultaneously are not beneficial in long term as they fail to identify the root causes of the problem. (Wild Life Removal) The city of Austin has always been certified as a 'bird sanctuary' city which can be vindicated from the fact that the city administration has allocated thousands of acres of land to preserve the species and habitats of salamanders and warblers, but concurrently the city lacks greatly when it comes to providing help to animals once they are out of their protected environment and are found injured in the backyard of someone's residence. (ci. Austin)It is commendable to see that over a period of a year or two developments in this particular segment has been phenomenal. The administration of the city has been formulating effective strategies in collaboration with non-governmental organizations to address this issue at a suitable platform. Many organizations and associations which include prominent names like Protection for Animal and Welfare Services or PAWS, Shadow Cats Rescue, The Central Texas SPCA and ARF. All these organizations are playing a laudable role to counter the looming t hreat of stray animals in the city. Among all of these the role of PAWS has been instrumental in every sense. The prime objective of this non-governmental organization is to increase awareness among people by initiatives like educational campaigns and promotion of human standards to prevent cruelty to animals. In addition to this it also focuses on providing shelter to homeless animals and help in the reduction of domestic animal overpopulation. PAWS have also been working in joint ventures with Texas VOAD (Voluntary Organization Active in Disaster) and UAN (United Animal Nations) in natural disasters. (Bats Specialist) In conjunction to this another prominent name is that of Spay Austin Coalition a group of individuals in Austin working collectively to increase acquaintance about stray animals by means of education, resources and opportunities to weather the over-population problem of such animals in the city. Town Lake Animal Center is the largest animal rehabilitation center situated in Central Texas which provides shelter to over 23,000 stray animals found in the city of Austin and other areas adjoining it. The center which has been developed in conjunction with the ASPCA focuses on training people ways by which they can identify and report cases of animal cruelty. (Austin Pet

Monday, October 7, 2019

Cat's Cradle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Cat's Cradle - Essay Example However, a successful military asset, the machine on the other side had destructive impact to the environment as it could destroy the whole nation’s water supply. This would then lead to the eventual demise of any water body. In the end, Hoinekker’s search for truth ended up with an invention presenting pending threat to the entire humanity (Vonnegut 22-25). After the invention, the scientist comes to terms with the reality that scientific quest for the truth does not in any way result to the solution of human problems. According to Vonnegut, science main aim is to discover new problems to humans rather than discovering solutions.However, scientists have never come to realize the injustice that they are doing to humanity because of their obsession with the pretext of discovering the truth. The writer through the referring to Jonah presents religion as more relevant and less dangerous when compared to science.However,religion does not lack its fare share shortcomings and paradoxes though they are mild when compared to those of science. Religion derives its usefulness not from its ability in telling or finding the truth but from its function in giving people elaborate lies to believe in. Similarities between Bokonon and Jonah come in the ability of both to offer lies that make human beings feel better. Religion is able to achieve this within the people’s destitute nature and lack of purpose. Jonah despite pending disaster gave people home and even went as far as declining to take God’s message of destruction to the people of Nineveh. The core theme derived from Bokononism is that it is the responsibility of man to give life meaning necessitated by the fact that it inherently has no meaning.Bokonon therefore exploits this avenue to provide people with one lie after the other so long as they continue making people feel better. It prevents people from identifying with the truth of Hobbes

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Policy - Essay Example In essence, externalities are the effects of production or consumption of products and the outcome is passed to the society. However, the society has little to control these externalities. The first positive externality is technological improvement. Some firms have been on the frontline in investing in technology. The firms ensure they have the best technology to assist in production of their products. As such, these products are enhanced to give ultimate services to the people that need them. In such a position the firms are acting as a positive accrual to other firms. Other firms are likely to benefit from this technological improvement (Barr, 45). When there is change in one firm’s technology, the other firms are likely to benchmark this opportunity. As such, they will purchase other machinery that conforms to the stated technology. These industries and firms will have an improved way of producing products and they will extend the positivity to other firms, which are not pa rticularly involved in the production. When there is an improvement in technology, there are various aspects which are improved in the society. For instance, when there is enhancement in technology, it is considered that pollution is likely to reduce. When the pollution is reduced, there are various aspects which are improved in the society. For instance, the society does not feel the pinch of having to inhale clean air. As such, their health status is maintained. This reduces any expenses that are incurred by the society in terms of treatment for complications in their health (Barr, 123). Similarly, it is guaranteed that there will be lower water pollution. As such, the society will have better water services. The water pollution will be reduced in the society, which gives the whole society clean water to use. It is evidently seen that the society did not incur any costs in the acquisition of technology. However, they are getting better water which is clean and hygienic. The same a pplies to the other firms. Initially, the firms did not incur any costs in getting information about the new technology. However, they are now in perfect shape in preventing pollution. A negative externality in production is pollution. Pollution is one of the most threatening aspects in production. During production, many firms exhale and release dirty water and air. This dirty air and water has various effects on the environment. First, dirty air makes the environment unpleasant to live in. This makes the life of other people uncomfortable. When people are not living in a comfortable environment, it is not entertaining. As such, the people will have to make sure they get solutions to these problems that are instigated by pollution from production firms. Apparently, some firms take it as their own initiative to stop pollution. This is an ideal approach in stopping pollution in the world. When all the firms initiate strategies that will reduce pollution, there is a likelihood of havi ng a better environment that is not affected by the negativities of pollution. It is a prudent approach by the governing bodies to ensure that pollution is reduced in the whole world. With technological improvement, scientists have considered that pollution is one of the negative effects in the world (Barr, 65). For instance, pollution is responsible for global warming. The global warming effect has affected many parts of the world and they are looking for strategies of reducing its effects to the world. This creates a scenario